Have you heard about the New Craze? Is a PL or pocket letter. What is a pocket letter you might ask? A pocket letter is a ramped up pen pal letter, it’s creator Janette Lane. Thank-you Janette for creating another way for people to express themselves creatively. To create a pocket letter you start with an 8X10 album page that has 9 pockets in it. The ones I purchased are for those who collect hockey cards and I found them at my local dollar stored. Each pocket is a small work of art or part of a larger work of art if your design is bigger than the 21/2 X 31/2 inch pocket. You are only limited by your imagination. Then you add a few treats, some add teabags, candy, or small embellishments that the receiver can use in their own crafting endeavours or planners if they choose. There is a group on Facebook you can sign up to(probably more than one) and away you go! There people share their creations and boy is there a ton of talent out there. Lots of people make a page then post a picture looking for someone to swap with. Others like myself just read the post and said hey do you want to swap with me, its my first time? Some one did and she is from Texas. Others post that they only want to swap inside the US and others do international swaps as far away as Europe that I have seen. It is so much fun to look at every ones amazing talent. You also include a letter with a bit of information about your self. Sometimes people pick a theme or other times it is left up to you. My first pocket letter pal said to make something that you love. For me that was pretty easy. My family and I Love Disney and vacations to Florida. I am a scrapbooker and general crafter so I had lots of things for which to draw from for inspiration. Here is my very first pocket letter, wrapped and ready to go.

Pocket Letter Wrapped FrontPocket Letter Wrapped Back

The front

Pocket Letter Front

The back

Pocket Letter Back

I took pictures of each envelopes contents for you to see what I included if you are thinking of doing one of these and need ideas.

Pocket Letter Washi Pocket letter Shoe Pocket Letter Pants Pocket letter Mickey Pocket Letter Glove Pocket Letter Clear Pocket Pocket Letter Clear Envelope

I was a bit conflicted about sending food treats as I am not sure honestly if I would eat something out of mine or not. In the end I did send a Maple candy maple leaf because it was packaged and seemed like a Canadian thing to share. Sorry I for got to take a picture of it.


It is just like this one only packed in wrapping from the manufacture.

When it came time to mail I asked my pal how she ships hers and she said First Class with a tracking number. When I went to my local post office I was a bit shocked when she said $17.00 WHAT? are you kidding me? Needless to say I sent it regular parcel post and took a chance. Even at that it was almost $8.00. I am not sure if it was because I was shipping to the US from Canada or the size and weight that was the issue. But I crossed my fingers and away it went. Of course you are reading this post because the letter has arrived at its destination. Also I wanted it to be a surprise for my pal so I waited to post. Thank goodness it arrived safely and she liked it! I am still waiting for mine but will share it with you all when it comes. So find yourself a pal and get creating! It is lots of fun! Until next time Happy Crafting!

4 thoughts on “

  1. I see that you folded it.I find that when you fold them it costs more.I had sent two folded to the states and it cost me $8.00.I also sent one flat and it only cost me a little ove $5.00.By sending flat it saves you some money


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